#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 86 - Workflow Assessment

Welcome to Day 86 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 86: Workflow Assessment

Workflow Assessment

Reviewing your workflow in different parts of your work, and home life, can help you improve your systems.

Taking stock can help you determine where your strengths are and how you can automate processes to make them work more smoothly.

For me, there are certain things about blogging that make me feel like I'm constantly juggling between things. It's been enough to make me consider having someone help me out with some of the things so that I can bring forward things in a more streamlined way. 

I recommend writing out the different parts of whatever it is you're tinkering with and think about what you enjoy about it to help motivate you. Perhaps there are solutions you haven't considered until you've taken some time to think through them and look around for inspiration. 

Sometimes there are also blockers in your way, whether internal or external, and it's worth taking the time to see how to improve the situation. 

Simply reviewing your workflow can be cathartic as a visual way to understand how different parts work together.

What are some of your workflows?