#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 97 - Keep your list to less than 10 tasks per day

Welcome to Day 97 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 97: Keep your list to less than 10 tasks per day

Keep your list to less than 10 tasks per day

Your task list probably varies from a few tasks to an overwhelming amount of tasks each day.

An idea is to consider creating personal constraints by setting a certain number of tasks per day and once you reach that threshold, not adding any more to your list.

It can be challenging because you may have subtasks for tasks and things can pop up throughout the day causing you to constantly add tasks.

The idea is to maximize your efforts each day by focusing on less things each day. This can help you be more effective and allow you to spend more time doing the things you love. By focusing on less, you can get more of the important things done.

How many tasks does your daily log have? You can figure this out by averaging out the last week or month's daily logs.