#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 84 - Relaxing

Welcome to Day 84 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 84: Relaxing


What is your idea of a relaxing activity? Or even a relaxing day? 

You can create a simple spread noting down some things that you find relaxing. If you have a stressful life, simply making a list may help relieve some that stress and pressure that is weighing you down.

When you have a list of things that relax you, go do one of them! 

Life is about more than simply checking things off, it's about experiencing and enjoying it :)

What are some things that help you relax?

Today I practiced some italic calligraphy in my Bullet Journal, and that was super relaxing actually. 

Sometimes you just bump into things like that when you're going about doing things in your Bullet Journal :)