#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 62 - Giving the Gift of Bullet Journal

Welcome to Day 62 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 62: Giving the Gift of Bullet Journal

Giving the Gift of Bullet Journal

I'm still riding the wave of immense joy from my birthday yesterday. Thank you so much for making it all the more special! My heart is full of joy and gratitude. I truly am honored to be a part of such a loving group of thoughtful humans! :) You're more than a community, you're family. 

Family cares about how each other is doing and think about things members of the family would enjoy, which is where this idea comes in: giving the gift of Bullet Journal. 

If you've been bitten by the Bullet Journal bug, you're probably eagerly looking around at all of the inspiration and somewhere in this line of stages of the Bullet Journal Addiction :) 

You might also be gushing about it to everyone and anyone who will listen, including your family. 

I know I have! I talked with my mom, best friend, and even one of my favorite teachers about it and they love it and have even gotten into it themselves! 

Something I hear asked often in the Bullet Journal Community is for recommendations on what you could group together to introduce Bullet Journaling to your loved ones, so here's a list of a few choice recommendations.

Giving the Gift of Bullet Journal Recommendations:

Choose one from each category to build your perfect Bullet Journal care package for your loved ones! This article includes Amazon Affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase through these links, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you, thank you for helping keep Tiny Ray of Sunshine running!

1. A notebook. 

This is where your loved one will Bullet Journal. Though it can be absolutely any notebook, these are my top recommendations. 

2. A pen.

A pen will keep your loved one's memories from fading from the pages of their Bullet Journal. These are the top choices I recommend.

3. The FREE Bullet Journal Reference Guide.

I lovingly hand-drew this to share all the concepts Ryder wants you to know about the Bullet Journal along with some pro tips I've learned along the way. With over 20 translations, it has become an incredible resource in the community that is shared all over the world :) I would highly recommend adding this to the care package. You can find out how to grab it here. 


These are all extras to build your care package further and are completely optional when it comes to Bullet Journaling. I think these can add some extra fun and usefulness to the experience, though. 

4. A pencil.

If you know your loved one prefers pencil or simply if they're hesitant about committing pen to paper, this can be a way to ease into the practice.

5. Correction Tape

6. A ruler

7. Colorful set of pens

8. Fun pens

If you'd like more ideas, you can check out more supplies I enjoy here.

You can add more or less to the care package! It's all about what you'd like to treat them to and what you think they'd enjoy.

P.S. If you're new to the Bullet Journal®, I recommend checking out BulletJournal.com, it was invented by Ryder Carroll - he's an awesome human that walks you through how to set up your own Bullet Journal with his handy tutorial video that you can check out here!