My Number One Tip for the Bullet Journal

The Bullet Journal is a wonderful system, one that can sometimes seem deceptively simple. Because of this, it's important to keep the following tip in mind in order to get the most out of your Bullet Journal. 

What is my number one tip for the Bullet Journal?

Keep your system simple enough that you'll continue to use it every day. 

That's it. Keep it simple and to your liking and there are no limits to what you can achieve with a system you actually USE! :)

I've found that whenever I complicate my system, I tend to get overwhelmed and struggle with figuring out which parts are important when they're all supposedly "important." Every time this feeling of overwhelm creeps up, I go back to the Bullet Journal website to re-watch the videos and read through the articles to re-center myself and simplify my system.

The great thing about the Bullet Journal is that you can modify it to suit your needs, and with the endless power of modification comes complication. Simplify your system in order to bring the focus back into what you're trying to achieve with your Bullet Journal.

Ask yourself: 

"Is this useful to me?"

"Do I enjoy this?"

"What can I do to make this enjoyable for myself?"

Answer these honestly to figure out the truth about your system and simplify it so that you actually get meaningful use out of it! It has to be meaningful to you in some way in order to be useful to you. Take some time to figure it out and I'm sure you'll enjoy your Bullet Journal much more.

What's your number one Bullet Journal tip?

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