Week 11: Topics and Pagination (The Bullet Journal Method Book Club)

Hello Sunshine!

This week we’re going over one of the foundations of Bullet Journaling.


This week’s behind the scenes:

I took the photo and wrote the title for this week’s topic in the photo.


Topics and Pagination

Pages 62 - 64

Welcome to week 11 of The Bullet Journal Method Book Club!

Kim: Now that we've been prepped for how to Rapid Log, we're ready to dive into one of the first building blocks of the Bullet Journal: Topics and Pagination. They're seemingly simple things, but they help to give context to the rest of the pages in the Bullet Journal, one by one.

Dee: Ryder lists three functions for Topics:
1. They identify and describe content
2. They service as an opportunity for you to clarify your intention
3. They set the agenda for the content.

Think of Topics as your anchor point or main idea when you start a new entry in your bullet journal, and serves as a reference point when you try to find information using the Index. 
Another point of reference is pagination - that is, numbered pages. This helps immensely when using the Index and tracking information efficiently.

Do you use Topics? Do you use numbered pages? If you answered 'yes' to both or one, feel free to share some examples.

If you answered 'no' to both or one, feel free to share some examples of alternative ways that have helped your access information in your bullet journal in an effective way.

Donna: Do you pause before choosing topics to include within the pages of your bullet journal? Do you deem the content within your bullet journal as meaningful, focused or a valuable reference whether for today or the future?

Heidi: This is where the bullet journal rises above notebook or planner status for me. With Topics & Pagination, your most important things aren't hard to find and, instead, rise to priority level in your Index. Even a quick note of an important address has an identifier of a page number. Such a simple (but genius!) concept but it changes everything.

This week’s action list for this week from Kim:

  • If you already Bullet Journal: consider how you’ve added the topic to the last few pages in your Bullet Journal. Do they describe the content? Is the intention clear? Have they set the agenda for the content?

  • If you’re about to start Bullet Journaling: what are some topics you’re thinking of adding to your Bullet Journal? Do they add meaning to your life?

Your thoughts:

Share your thoughts about this week’s topic in the comments below. Feel free to respond to this week’s discussion points.

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