#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 93 - Pet Care Log

IfWelcome to Day 93 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 93: Pet Care Log

Pet Care Log

If you have furry friends in your life, a handy collection to keep is a pet care log. 

You can fill it with information about vaccines, flea meds, medications, groomings, and other related information such as allergies.

This will be an ongoing record to help manage the care of your furry pal.

You can even add in when their birthday was and more fun information such as what their favorite toys are and what their favorite places to nap are.

Does your pet have a favorite color? I've noticed one of my cats and my pup both love the color gray and interestingly enough are both gray, the cat more so than the pup. 

Another fun thing to include is a sketch of your furry pal or a photo with one of those portable printers

You can add in memories and antics and over time you'll see it develop into their array of beautiful memories you had with your favorite furry beasts. 

Do you keep anything about your furry pal in your Bullet Journal?