#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 90 - Insights Learned Log

Welcome to Day 90 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 90: Insights Learned

Insights Learned Log

Here we are with 10 days to go! 

Today's idea is about having a log for the insights and lessons you've learned throughout the month or the course of your Bullet Journal.

In my smaller A6 Bullet Journal, I had this log towards the back to quickly flip to in order to add observations about using such a small format for a Bullet Journal. 

This month I've added it to my Bullet Journal, an A5 Anthracite Leuchtturm1917, as part of my monthly collections. I've been finding it pretty handy to note down observations, improvements to make on new collections I'm trying out, and other insights.

This is a helpful log to keep throughout the course of the month as you're discovering how things are working and how they're not in real-time. A lot of Bullet Journalists enjoy my other ideas: the monthly and notebook migration spreads to reflect on what worked, what didn't, to improve, ideas to try, etc. I would also recommend having this idea as part of an ongoing exercise in reflection. :) 

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P.S. With a few days left in this project, I wanted to take a moment to ask if there's anything you'd like to see ideas for? Let me know by sending me an email or leaving a comment, thank you! :)