#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 64 - Have a Symptoms Collection in your Bullet Journal to discuss with your Doctor

Welcome to Day 64 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 64: Symptoms Collection to Discuss with your Doctor

Symptoms Collection to Discuss with your Doctor

Having a collection of specific things you want to talk to your doctor about is one of the most useful and important collections you can have. It's a collection you would create on an as-needed basis and it's something I've used when I haven't been feeling well and if I still don't get better after a while I make sure to log to talk about with my doctor.

If you're anything like me and get flustered waiting in the lobby and blank out about what you want to discuss with your doctor, this log can help ground you and remind you of important things you want to talk about.

If there's anything you have going on that you think might be making you feel unwell, I'd recommend writing it down and making an appointment with your doctor to get it checked out!

Stay healthy!

P.S. If you're new to the Bullet Journal®, I recommend checking out BulletJournal.com, it was invented by Ryder Carroll - he's an awesome human that walks you through how to set up your own Bullet Journal with his handy tutorial video that you can check out here!