Week 32: Gratitude (The Bullet Journal Method Book Club)

Hello Sunshine!

This week we’re going over Gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most effective things I’ve ever practiced in my life. I started writing down what I was grateful for ever since I was little. It’s one of the first things I added into my Bullet Journal when I got started, back in the day when everyone’s Bullet Journals were super simple, I created the Gratitude Log and it’s a collection that has made its way into many Bullet Journals worldwide. The practice itself of writing down what you’re grateful for in your Bullet Journal has also spread into many different forms in people’s Bullet Journals and it’s always something that I’m grateful for. I’m grateful that you’re grateful. It’s honestly saved me on a lot of occasions emotionally, it’s a practice I’ve always held close to my heart. I know that some people don’t see the value in it, but I suggest digging a little deeper to reflect on what you’re grateful for. I’m happy and grateful that gratitude logging has made it into Ryder’s Bullet Journal as well, that feels pretty special.

Anyways, let’s get into what Ryder thinks about Gratitude in this section.


This week’s behind the scenes:

I took this photo and wrote the words, as has been the case the last few weeks :)

Wk_32_Gratitude.The Bullet Journal Method Book Club. Tiny Ray of Sunshine.jpg


Pages 183 - 188


In this section, Ryder reflects on the value of achievement and how mindfulness can fit into our daily lives. He shares a story about giving yourself a gift each day. This gift can be in the form of being mindful through gratitude and celebrating your small wins.

He suggests that “the next time you cross off a Task in your BuJo, slow down. Take a moment and pause to reflect on the impact of your accomplishment. What do you feel? If by chance you feel nothing - or maybe nothing but relief - then chances are the thing you’re working on so diligently toward isn’t adding much value to your life. That’s a critical insight that needs to be recognized. If on the other hand you feel even a small sense of joy, pride, appreciation, or fulfillment, then you may be onto something. Gift yourself a moment to appreciate your accomplishment and acknowledge it, because it’s trying to reveal something to you. After all, if you can’t appreciate your achievements, then what’s the point? Your achievement have the power to nurture and guide you, but in order for that to happen, you need to take time to be grateful for them.” When you check off a Task, it’s a moment to celebrate. Depending on the size of the Task, Ryder suggests celebrating accordingly, whether it’s a party or something to that effect.

In celebrating the Tasks we accomplish, it can “produce dramatic improvements in our self-perception and attitude…This is not a self-indulgence. It’s an intentional means to build momentum, optimism, and resilience. A simple yet meaningful way to begin appreciating your achievements is to write them down…Even on the days when not much has moved forward, your gratitude practice will help you find things to appreciate…It will help you remain aware of the things that make life a little more enjoyable. Every day, once a day, give yourself the present of savoring the good in your life.” Simple.

Discussion Points:

- Do you find a gratitude practice helpful in your life?

- What are you grateful for?

Action List:

- Consider writing down a few things you’re grateful for in your Daily Log, Monthly Calendar, or in a Gratitude Log. Add the Gratitude Log to the Index.

Your thoughts:

Share your thoughts about this week’s topic in the comments below. Feel free to respond to this week’s discussion points.

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