#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 75 - Commemorate Events in your Bullet Journal

Welcome to Day 75 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 75: Commemorate Events

Commemorate Events

Today marks three-quarters into this project! I think that calls for a little celebrating :) 

Today's idea is all about commemorating events in your Bullet Journal in some way. Whether it's a holiday, a special day in your life due to a personal accomplishment you achieved, or something happens that you need to write about in detail, it's worth commemorating it in some way in your Bullet Journal.

Some ideas are to write about what the significance of the event means to you. Perhaps you're writing about a personal accomplishment you're proud of, you could expand by delving into the lessons that you learned along the way and what it means to you now in your life. You could draw out supporting images or snap a photo and print it out with one of those neat portable printers

How do you commemorate events in your Bullet Journal?

My favorite Bullet Journal supplies

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