Week 14: Events (The Bullet Journal Method Book Club)

Hello Sunshine!

We’ve had a quite few people interested in co-hosting (thank you!), so we’ll periodically invite guest hosts. This week we have one such guest host.


This week’s behind the scenes:

Dee took this photo and created the lettering and the fun background that’s a play on the Event Bullet.



Pages 71 - 75

Welcome to Week 14 of The Bullet Journal Method Book Club! This week we are going over Events.

This week we are thrilled to introduce a guest host for the week, Cindy.

Cindy is an entrepreneur. With her busy travel schedule, her Bullet Journal is a relief from being on a screen all the time. “I’ve always said that I’m glad to be from an analog age and my Bullet Journal is my way of detoxing from all things digital.” There are a few things that anchor my schedule. The first are usually birthdays or any events that pertain to my family, closest friends, and loved ones (birthdays, vacations, holidays, etc.). The second are key events, usually work, that I know far enough in advance and need to block out travel time for. Then, find things like concerts, etc. It really depends on when I first hear about the events and they alternate between personal or work. Usually, my travel schedule is booked 3-6 months in advance and the busier I get, the more advanced those notifications need to be.

Ryder’s tips:
1. Unpacking experiences as soon as possible after the Event, as the details are fresh and accurate. (Daily Reflections)
2. Events that need to be scheduled on specific dates that fall outside of the current month are added to the Future Log (birthdays, meetings, dinners, conferences,etc)
3. For those of you who enjoy writing long-form or expressive journaling, you can nest Note bullets under an Event bullet if there are important/interesting details that you want to capture for later. Keep it brief.

Questions to think about:

  • What were the milestones that you achieved this week? Month? Quarter? Year?

  • Can you identify the triggers in what is motivating you or what is making you take a step back?

  • What are you learning about yourself in this process?

  • What other tools that you use to track your Events?

Helpful tip: Remember, patterns don’t happen overnight but take a period a of time to develop. Events can help identify behavioral patterns so that you can reflect and decide on later which you will want to repeat and keep or ones you want to eliminate. Just keep adding to your BuJo!

Your thoughts:

Share your thoughts about this week’s topic in the comments below. Feel free to respond to this week’s discussion points.

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