
The index is the backbone of the Bullet Journal. It keeps a record of plans made, notes taken, and ideas chewed over. As useful as the index is, when you have several pages that you’re constantly flipping to it can slow you down a bit. Page tabs allow for a quick way to navigate your Bullet Journal and swiftly turn to the page of your choice without losing momentum. Similarly, dot stickers can help you group pages of the same type.

To set up the page tabs, simply write down a word or draw an image that captures the context of the page such as Monthly Log, Food Log, Projects, Ideas, Master Task List, etc. If you have several pages that follow a certain theme and need to be easily identifiable (e.g. meeting notes, class notes, previous week pages, etc.), but don’t need tabs then dot stickers will come in handy. Simply add a dot sticker to the edge of the page. Group these types of pages by the color of the dot sticker or location on the edge of the page.

The page tab is a nifty way to get to a page you refer to often while the dot sticker indicates a page in a series of similar pages. Unlike threading, which connects collections of ideas that play off each other on different pages, colored dot stickers group different categories of pages together. For example, the yellow dot sticker can be used for lecture notes and threading can be used to connect questions for the final that occur on different pages. Another example is, blue dot stickers can be used for home improvement ideas and threading can be used to connect ideas of a specific home improvement project.

– Use colored tabs to color-code your entries.
– Draw out icons to make these tabs stand out.
– Get file folder tabs and cut them up to get smaller, custom-sized tabs.
– Use a Sharpie ultra-fine point pen to write on the tabs.
– Color-code your dot stickers.
– Vary the location of the dot stickers on the edge of your page.
– Make a key somewhere in your journal to help you remember what the colors represent when you’re starting out.

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