#100DaysOfBulletJournalIdeas: 81 - Scribble down notes about stories to share

Welcome to Day 81 of my #100DaysofBulletJournalIdeas Project! 

Idea 81: Scribble down stories to share

Scribble down stories to share

As I was writing replying to happy mail tonight, I thought about a collection I use to write down things I want to tell pen pals. 

I have a few pen pals that I send letters back and forth with, usually with months of time in between letters, and sometimes things come up that I want to share with them so I note them down to share with them.

On a separate, but related collection, I sometimes write down notes about stories I want to tell my mom in-depth when we get to hang out in person. 

Do you write down notes about stories you want to share with others?