Highlight Lines to make your charts and trackers easier to read in your Bullet Journal

Hello Sunshine!

Here's a little tip I shared over on Instagram that I thought would make a great blog post.

If you're making a chart or tracker, it's a little easier to distinguish between the lines by using a light color, such as gray!

Here I'm using a gray brush pen to draw lines to make it easier for me to see different lines of information. 

You can check out the video below for a little visual. 

This is a simple little solution that perfectly merges the worlds of spreadsheets and Bullet Journaling - you know how much I love adding tables in my Bullet Journal! This addition helps make viewing the information easier :) 

Hope you enjoy! 

Supplies Used:

Disclaimer: This post contain Amazon Affiliate links, which means that I'll make a small commission when you make a purchase through these links at NO extra cost to you. This helps keep Tiny Ray of Sunshine up and running to continue sharing ideas with you!

- Kuretake Fudebiyori Brush Pen in Gray

I really enjoy this Kuretake brush pen because the tip is perfectly sized for the boxes. Tombow Dual Brush pens are another good option, I recommend the grayscale or pastel set. Mildliners are another excellent choice since they are light pastel highlighters. 

- Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal in Nordic Blue